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About Us

Dear Ladies & Gentlemen,


Its not your job to like me. Its mine!
                         ~Byron Katie~

> Self beauty is a requirement / right of every man and woman.  It requires some sacrifices and skills to be beautiful.  It includes health care.
> The secret of the long life is certainly hidden in good health.  Those who give even a little attention to their health, remain fit and active, even in their 80s.
> Whereas, those who don’t care about their health, their appearance becomes very old, even in their 30s.
> For the beauty and good health of our body, it is necessary to give some time to our body care.  The secret of the beauty of the body lies in right proportion.
> If the proportion of the body disturbs, the body becomes shapeless and awkward.
> To maintain the proportion of the body, only a little care is required.  Many of us don’t do even a little care to their bodies.
> Daily walk, exercise and balanced diet are necessary for the beauty and health of the body.
> We have a lot of people in our society who don’t give any value to walk and exercise, and become enemy of the food as well as their bodies by eating a lot.
> Their body becomes shapeless, they get enormous weight, their face’s beauty fades, and some get involved in any disease.  While, involve in any disease,  the doctor advises them for food care, but it was very late now.
> We are giving the best solutions for Smartness, Weight Loss and Healthy Lifestyle.
> Lutfi Research is a reputable organization providing health and beauty services by its different products since many years.

All products of Lutfi Research are made on international standards of quality and do not have any ingredients which give any harm to human body, internally or externally.

All the staff members and directors are professional and have extensive experience in the fields of health and beauty.
Our main products Lutfi Slimming qahwa and Fiber360 are trade mark registered. Whereas Lutfi Slimming qahwa is well tested by PCSIR.

Our Products:

Lutfi Slimming Qahva

> 100% herbal
> No medicine
> No cortisone
> No steroids
> No preservatives
> No side effects
> Tested by PCSIR
> Trade mark registered
> Sachet form

Lutfi Slimming Diet Plan Book

> 7 days diet plan
> Comprises of fruits, vegetables and vegeteran soup
> Burns calories
> Makes you smart
> No exercise
> No medicine
> No fasting
> 2 times daily
> After breakfast n dinner

Lutfi Fiber 360 

> Slimming Ispaghol
> With weight reducing herbs
> Resolves digestive issues
> Helps in weight reduction
> 2 times daily
> Before breakfast n night

Lutfi Herboil

> 100% Natural Hair Oil
> Amla, reetha, shikakai
> The perfect hair oil for your hair type
> Helps tackle frizz and flyaways, repairs damage from heat or bleach
> Adds shibe to your hair

Lutfi Diet Atta

> Organic Grain
> Loose weight fast
> Improves your health
> Suitable for diabetes

Lutfi Himalayan Pink Salt

> Reduces signs of ageing
> Improve sleep quality
> Regulate blood sugar
> Contains trace amount of magnesium, potassium and calcium
> All minerals your body needs to stay healthy

More Herbal & Natural Products are under research.

Well! We are serving our customers since 2010 Alhamdulillah many of our customers getting such results and they are repeating continuously in their daily routine to be fit.

Wish you a very happy & healthy long life.


Syed Tariq Rais Froughe